Twotoothed Achyranthes Root
Twotoothed Achyranthes Root
The root of Achyranthes bidentata Bl. (Fam. Amaranthaceae).
Mainly in Chinese provinces such as Henan; also in provinces such as Hebei, Shanxi, Shandong and Jiangsu; mostly cultivated. Also in Hong Kong.
Harvest & Processing
Collect roots in winter when leaves wither; remove fibrous roots, soil and sand; tie roots up in small bundles; dry under the sun until shrivelled; cut evenly at the top end; dry under the sun again.
Slender and cylindrical, sometimes slightly curved; thicker at the top end and tapering towards the bottom; 15-90 cm long; 0.4-1 cm in diameter. Outer surface greyish-yellow or pale brown, marked with twisted, fine longitudinal wrinkles, lalongate (transversely elongated) lenticels and sparse rootlet scars. Hard and brittle; breaks easily, softens when moistened. When broken, surface even; yellowish-brown; slightly cuticular oily and soft; medial xylem at centre of surface relatively large and yellowishwhite; under magnification, 2-4 rings of numerous punctiform (dot-like) vascular bundles scattered around xylem. Odour: faint; taste: slightly sweet and a little bitter-astringent.
1. Sore throat
2. Hypertension
3. Amenorrhoea, retention of placenta
4. Carbuncles, trauma
5. Weakness in the lower part of the body and the legs, rheumatic arthralgia
Chemical Composition
Mainly contains triterpene saponins and sterols.